Wednesday 15 May 2013


Hello 4th class, This blog is based on Human Rights. We will be spending the next 5 weeks learning different aspects on the topic. This blog will feature various videos, activities, games and information. Hopefully you will this resource very useful and interesting.Please post any queries or feedback you might have on the topic. Thank you

Our Plan

We are going to be studying Human Rights under 4 different topics. The class is split into four groups, so for each lesson, each group will cover a topic, before moving onto the next topic the following week. We will get feedback from each group at the start of every lesson so that we can be helping each other and learning from each other throughout. Each group has been given a method of reporting their findings during the closing lesson in 5 weeks time. Happy researching!

What are Human Rights

Please watch the video below giving a brief outline of what Human Rights are about.